Gauge Wheel Arms from Norseman

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Jan 28, 2025 11:16 AM (1663 views)
Aberdeen, SD

Are your gauge wheel arms getting sloppy on your row-crop planter? Cast replacement arms from Norseman offer extreme durability and longevity compared to OEM. The Norseman arms feature a wheel bearing at the point of row-unit contact, and this bearing takes the abuse instead of the casting itself---and replacing a bearing after a few seasons is substantially cheaper than replacing OEM arms!

Norseman is an Australian company that has designed and fabricated OEM upgrades for planters for decades, under some of the world's harshest planting conditions. Consider getting at least one pair of these arms, and try them for yourself. Cost is $159/row plus shipping. Available for John Deere XP row units. EDIT: Now available for Kinze 3000/4000 row units for $189/row.

For Sale
$159 USD
Contact : precagsol
Precision Ag Solutions
(605)725-6999 | office
Email: [email protected]

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