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It would sure be helpful
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Von WC Ohio
Posted 9/28/2024 06:02 (#10907218 - in reply to #10873538)
Subject: RE: It would sure be helpful

You can sort of do what you are asking already.

Click on Search

When you do this you can enter keywords and also search by author.

You can search newagtalk backwards up to a year.

In this example I used Cooperator as the keyword and also the author.

See pic 1 below

That brings up a selection of posts that mention the "keyword" and the "author"

See pic 2 below.

After opening a post you will see that where you were quoted your name is highlighted. This should work using other keywords as well. It's not 100% perfect and sometimes things get shown that are not related to your search request.

What you enter in the keywords section will show up as the highlighted word in searched posts.

See pic 3 below


For longer look backs.

Go to google and enter the following in the search bar.

Site: "keywords" + Cooperator

Where "keywords" are the subject matter you are looking for less the " " symbols and Cooperator is your user name. This should help you find older posts that you are looking for if you can remember a few of the words you used in your original posting.  This makes google search only for posts with the keywords you type plus are authored by you.

Hope this helps !


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(2 (full).PNG)

(3 (full).PNG)

Attachments 1 (full).PNG (80KB - 48 downloads)
Attachments 2 (full).PNG (105KB - 50 downloads)
Attachments 3 (full).PNG (40KB - 50 downloads)
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