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Accounting software
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Mark in NEMO
Posted 12/2/2024 10:02 (#10991913 - in reply to #10991659)
Subject: RE: Accounting software

Northeast Missouri

 I didn't realize it was $60/month, that is a bit pricey.

Looking at the many alternatives, it's clear that (1) pricing is all over the map for what appears to be similar features (the devil's in the details), and (2) prices of most small business cloud accounting products have gone up a lot in recent years...just like everything else. 

But I have trouble with the idea of paying $720/year for basic accounting, no matter how nice/elegant looking it is. Ambrook would need to have some very specifically valuable (to me) features to justify paying that much. I'd hate to pay more for an accounting product than the Net Income line on my Schedule F in 2024.(grin)

And it doesn't look like Ambrook supports Items/Inventories, which I need for easy resale livestock accounting, grain inventories, and especially for preparing a balance sheet:  in QuickBooks I set up Inventory Part Items for a number of things that I don't actually track as inventories, then make Inventory Adjustments ahead of preparing a balance sheet to update market values of raised livestock, supplies, and other assets. I also set up an 
Inventory Part Item for every fixed asset, and I can get QB reports of fixed asset sales/purchases/trades for the tax preparer.

I feel like I'm out here flailing in the wilderness to come up with a QB desktop replacement (not QuickBooks Online) that is as full featured but doesn't require me to surrender my firstborn child as payment. ZarMoney gets me part way there:  reasonable cost per month, and has inventories and other nice features, but has a few "training wheels" (arbitrary restrictions on accounts assigned to Item, no negative amounts on purchase forms, etc.) meant to save users from making mistakes, that limit its flexibility for doing things like the zero-dollar-check technique that is so handy in QB.

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