 Pittsburg, Kansas | Fortunately no. But they still had an impact. For example school lunches have changed significantly over the years. My first few years in grade school the cooks could make whatever they could with what they had. By the time my kids were in school the food prepared had to meet certain guidelines dictated in part by the guidelines. The guidelines effect public school meals and snacks so by extension kids health.
I remember my mom, although she grew up using lard and animal fats, always had a can of Cisco around and used that most of the time while I was growing up. Mazola corn oil was common on the shelf. That was probably more because of advertising in her Woman's World magazine than any government recommendation, but the Ancel Keys "vegetable oils are healthy, animal fats bad" message was everywhere. Now we know that was bad science where he cherry picked the data. I can remember back in a time the cattle industry tried to fight it a little but were shouted down.
Maybe nobody followed the food guidelines, but almost everyone was affected to some degree.
That is a very well researched presentation by Mason. If you actually watch it, you will learn some interesting history.
Edited by John Burns 1/12/2025 06:51
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