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8x00T how happy would I be?
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mike in sw mn
Posted 1/14/2025 19:54 (#11056312 - in reply to #11055985)
Subject: RE: 8x00T how happy would I be?

Walnut Grove MN USA
Never been in a Deere T but have run challengers. The 45 I had would be kinda similar to the Deere track wise. First thing you do before going down the road is take everything you have laying loose in the cab and throw it onto the floor because that is where it will end up! Don’t cross intersections at more than 5 mph, or bridges unless you know they are smooth. Washboard roads will knock your teeth out. But in the field nothing puts power to the ground like a two track tractor. When coming to a wet spot you have to make a decision, either go right thru or go way around it. The “I think I can get a little closer” attitude has no place in a track machine. Good chance the tractor will go right thru it but what you are pulling won’t and then you spin out. If you can get the tractor to dry ground before your implement gets in the mud you will be fine.
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