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Safest way to get paid
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Posted 1/14/2025 20:34 (#11056371 - in reply to #11056362)
Subject: RE: Safest way to get paid

south central WI
roadranger82 - 1/14/2025 19:29

What the other guys said, wire transfer

We have an acount at our bank we dont keep much money in we use for these things.

You give the buyer the routing number and that account number, that way he doesnt have your account number you do most of your buisness in. Tell him to have his bank wire the money to that account before the item leaves your place. As soon as it hits your account, transfer it out to a different account.

Its safe for him, as you never see his bank info

It may take a few hours for the transfer to occur, sometimes it takes the bank to actually make the transaction.

This is great advice even without the wire transfer issue. We have 2 accounts. 1 where the big checks go, and a 2nd that we transfer money to that we write checks out of. We have had checks stolen a few times (once was an employee, another time a big check out of the mail somewhere between here and Chicago I believe). Both times required a new account, which means all auto deposits had to be redone. This helps to stop that. Deposits go in the one account, and written checks come from a second account that only has enough money to cover the monthly bills.
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