West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12 | Antarctic explores also ate spleen, pancreases, kidneys, liver, brain and other organ "meat." That's where vitamin C is the most abundant in meat....salmon roe contains vitamin C as well.
I really like liver and natural casings (intestines) that are used to make wieners, brats, and sausages...the only head cheese I could ever swallow was made my long passed away maternal Finnish grandmother. I never have and never will eat any other organ "meats"...unless I get really hungry like Antarctic explorers did.
Eating a few keto friendly vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, peppers, and an occasional keto friendly strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, or tomato that are rich in vitamin C won't kill me, throw me out ketosis or spike my blood sugar to lethal levels.
Edited by CMN 1/15/2025 09:29