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Poultry house windrower
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central va farmer
Posted 1/22/2025 21:30 (#11069137 - in reply to #11069044)
Subject: RE: Poultry house windrower

Green Acres Guy - 1/22/2025 20:37

What do you use as a bedding base out of the walking floors trailers? how do you get the first layer of bedding in the barns? And about what does the bedding run a ton and how many tons per barn if you want to answer? If you don't want to answer that's fine too.

I am working on compressing oat hulls with an Orkel 2000 compressor into a "marshmallow bale" that reduces the bulk by 2/3 to make it easier to transport, handle, and can be stored outside.
Have heard they make great poultry bedding as they are highly absorbent so thought I would ask an expert!.

I have to admit something dumb, When you mentioned the 2x4 perches and boxes by the heaters, I was thinking "how to the chickens get up there?" Then I realized I was an idiot and they raise and lower with everything else. :-)

We use dried pine shavings.
I have them unload in my litter shed. The part I put shavings in holds 6 trailer loads if pushed up.
I then load a spreader and spread the shavings in the poultry houses. The one in picture is a friends, but it's awkward. That's why I bought another lewis lo pro spreader.
A walking floor holds around 3000-3200 cubic ft.
This is a 48 ft trailer, a 53 holds more.
Cost is a little over $2k per trailer load
Picture shows shed with 6 loads in it, and a picture with 1 load in it, then pushed up.

That's a nice set up. I didn't know you could bale and wrap shavings.
We have used peanut shells also along with shavings. You can use them 50-50 but I'd always use 2 loads shavings, 1 load of peanut shells. To many shells can cause respiratory problems in poultry. Honestly for the cost savings I don't think it's worth it. I'm not going to risk THOUSANDS of dollars worth of chickens to save a few hundred on a load of bedding, that's why I use pine shavings.

Edited by central va farmer 1/22/2025 21:40

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