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Replacement for FarmerGPS?
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Posted 1/23/2025 11:17 (#11069840)
Subject: Replacement for FarmerGPS?

Western Oregon
I lost my GPS….
I don’t mean lost a signal, I lost the whole Motion CL920 tablet that I was using to run Farmer GPS for the past decade.
I went out to the shed to start the tractor and the tablet was gone. The power supply and all my harbor freight wrenches were still there so I suspect dementia rather than theft.
My helper said it was on my workbench, my wife said she saw it on the kitchen counter, my daughter said she saw it in my pickup… who knows…
I have a couple Novatel antennas.
I liked FarmerGPS.
I Hate old windows tablets!
What do bottomfeeders run for GPS nowadays?

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(IMG_5157 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_5156 (full).jpeg (154KB - 31 downloads)
Attachments IMG_5157 (full).jpeg (131KB - 29 downloads)
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