NW IA | I had a Holstein steer with a severe stifle injury. The vet checked him and said it was a bit of a gamble to pick the best option. Get him processed quick before he lost more ground or hope he recovered enough to gain some finish.
He looked iffy for a long time but wasn't losing ground so I kept him and as the pen has been sold off and there was less competition he made a remarkable recovery. Still has a noticable limp and I didn't trust running him through the sale barn and we had a slot spoken for at the butcher.
Weighed 1600+.
Now the question. What we've grilled from this critter looks and tastes amazing. Could it be because it was rapid growth on an already large frame?
Dad has a neighbor who always butchered a guilt who had nursed a litter and was then fattened. He claimed the meat was more tender because it was rapid new growth.
Edited by Curious 1/24/2025 06:31
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