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So everybody was calling out how could usda
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Posted 1/24/2025 06:43 (#11071099 - in reply to #11071063)
Subject: RE: So everybody was calling out how could usda

Cherokee iowa
So a plant runs more efficient with 14% corn over 20% corn. Otherwise they would take up to 24% all year. Same bushels of corn just moisture content. I’d beg the opinion that the plant won’t slow down but end up crushing more. Or do they idle down when they make profits? I can grind a 10000 bushel of 14% corn a lot quicker then running in a pile of 10000 bushels at %20. So in the end dry matter saves me time. Personally I’d speed up grinding when the efficiency is high. And use more. Isn’t all the yield converted to number 2 when sold.
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