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Converting Cedar Thicket to Pasture
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Posted 1/24/2025 20:45 (#11072315 - in reply to #11072254)
Subject: RE: Converting Cedar Thicket to Pasture

Central Minnesota
^^^^^^. This! I’ve done a lot of cleaning brush and cedars. The skid steer forestry mulcher definitely works best ($250-$275/hr here).

Get in there and spread red clover seed and whatever grass works best in your are before it gets mulched. I know it’s a crappy job as you can even walk in there but use a hand spreader and even throw it by hand where you have to. The forestry mulcher does a nice job incorporating the seed and you’ll be impressed with the stand you get. I usually have a stand of almost pure red clover the first couple years but the grasses will eventually come through.
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