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What does a Truesight connect to
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Posted 1/25/2025 15:30 (#11073364 - in reply to #11072971)
Subject: RE: What does a Truesight connect to

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
I can see how a dealer wouldn't want to get involved with moving one. Their time and potential problems wouldn't be worth it for them.

The kit I got for my Truesight 2 had a general purpose wiring harness with branches for different combines. This made it confusing since there were some that I needed and other that I didn't. On the other hand, the good news is that harness would probably work with a different combine without modification. I laid my wiring harness out on a table and taped over the connectors I didn't need. It makes quite a "wad" of cables to hide out of the way. I was able to tuck the excess in a plastic Ammo Box from Harbor Freight.

I was under the impression the OP was considering purchasing the used combine with the TrueSight already in it and was curious as to if it would work for him. Since it seems to have the separate box for the Truesight, the yield monitor that is used in the combine should not matter. The Truesight would control the hydraulic steering completely on its own.

The InCommand with an Ag Leader Steering controller could be used for soybeans.
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