| Back about 20 years ago a friend went on a big snowmobile trip out in Wyoming or Montana.They got caught in an avalanche and one snowmobile got twisted around a tree,so they left it to get back to town.They got more bad weather so went home then came back in the spring to drag it out and fix it.They thought they knew exactly where it was but it took them 2 days to find it. No one lived within 10 miles of the ravine they found it in and without gps they never would have found it, I have a sister that lives in Minnesota,,they never saw an animals until they put in a security cam on a motion detector,,,both a big bear taking a whole bird feeder and a wolf catching rabbits and pheasants showed up,and they have houses on 3 sides of them. The number of animals that are out at night between 2-4 am is surprising, when I never saw anything on the same roads during the day | |