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Surface drainage
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Posted 1/26/2025 10:21 (#11074251)
Subject: Surface drainage

Earlville, NY
We have a field next to a river, just bought it along with other fields. It's good land, used to be good field 20 plus years ago.
Problem is, it floods easily as it's bordered on one side with river and one side with trout stream that goes to river. When it floods, low spots can't drain out and stay wet all spring and summer, to low for any tile work.
I tried Soil and Water looking at they weren't very helpful, my guy I usually use isn't very good at this thing.
Should I look into ditches, or resurfacing the field? What about good soil guys to look at? I don't want to sink a whole lot into it, but land is pretty scarce to buy around here. Thanks for any opinions or advice.
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