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Prilosec acid reflux question
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Posted 1/27/2025 20:46 (#11076973 - in reply to #11076624)
Subject: RE: Prilosec acid reflux question

If from acid reflux alone and no other issues he could ask about having a linx put in. I think one of the requirements for insurance to cover it though is to be on the Prilosec you mentioned or a similar one to it for a period of time. If the Prilosec works I think they will try to keep you going on that instead of doing the procedure. It is reversible if needed in the future. Other option would be a Nissan fobulation I think it is called, but is a more serious procedure and not very easily reversible and I think makes it about impossible to vomit or bealch. I would cover the bases and ask what is causing it. like the others said make sure it isn’t being caused by some other abnormalities to make sure not just treating symptoms of something else and not necessarily the problem.changing diet was a big help to me and he might try that. Coffee, soda, sugar, carbs, etc limits can do wonders. Try doing a bland diet and see what happens. It’s hard to do especially if he is used to gas station foods, eating out and such since so easy to get thrown off course
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