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What’s your daily driver?
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Posted 1/27/2025 21:59 (#11077075 - in reply to #11074962)
Subject: RE: What’s your daily driver?

Milford, IL
1997 Tahoe here, 242k miles. Finally starting to use a little oil and I did have to rebuild the rear differential at 199.5k, outside of that no major repairs. Beginning to rust now.

Tow haul rig is a 1996 C3500, former township vehicle that I bought at auction with a broken connecting rod. Found a junkyard engine that ran but had pump problem for an inexpensive price. We have younger children so our vehicles are filled with mud and legos and action figures and nerf darts and Im good with that.

My wife drives something a fair bit newer but it also has mud and legos and nerf darts....
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