North Central Indiana | Yeah that’s true, except there was an economic principle learned during that time. What felt like jumping in a lake with a weight around your neck was really not the case. If you had cash and didn’t have big loans that had rates go way up then you could buy low. And buying low is always good. And 25-30 years later that land was worth 10-20x more than you paid. And you got to farm it through some good money making years. And probably got to leverage it and buy more land that has at least tripled in value. And that was just farmer money. Today, I’ll grant you farmer wealth is tied to land. But same thing applies, if you have cash and land looked like it was going down you could buy lower and roll on.
The difference is outside money watched the land value explode since then. And investors won’t wait for it to fall that far before they jump in and buy everything available, expecting a rebound that will make them look like geniuses. The wealth generated in this country the last few years is mind boggling. Lots of people are hurting right now but lots of people have never lived better. | |