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Prilosec acid reflux question
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Posted 2/6/2025 15:02 (#11091976 - in reply to #11079538)
Subject: RE: Prilosec acid reflux question

Central Illinois
If you don't mind me asking, for those of you that had your gallbladder removed, how did you ultimately come to that conclusion that it was the culprit? I am 32 and have had reflux for about 4 years. Been on max dose of the medication since I got diagnosed with GERD from a scope at the gastro. The medication over the years never has resolved my excessive belching (main symptom) so the doctor decided to do something called a HIDA scan to check my gallbladder. The results showed it was technically bad and recommended getting it taken out. I had an ultrasound and CT as well but those showed nothing wrong with it. I've never had any gallbladder pain. I got second opinions from multiple doctors and they seem to think if I don't have pain I shouldn't get my gallbladder taken out. I'm torn because I don't want to randomly cut out organs just to try something but ultimately will probably end up having the fundoplication surgery If I can't figure it out.
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