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Government over reach
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kb ag
Posted 3/13/2025 09:15 (#11145023)
Subject: Government over reach

nc ks
Seems like we are getting plenty of new looney leftists crowing about tariffs on here. I don't know where the tariff battle will take us, but I am willing to take the ride in exchange for my personal and business freedoms being somewhat restored. I can say what I want without being cancelled or muted. I can be assured that the fbi isn't going to visit me because of my views expressed at a school board meeting. The irs isn't going to target me because I am conservative. The large bank that I get my credit card from that I use to expedite getting parts for my farm isn't going to cancel my card or defund one of the large businesses I buy from over environmental or dei causes. My grandkids aren't going to be force fed ideas that run counter to my community. The epa doesn't seem as likely to get involved in my farming practices.

We were losing control of our individual and small business autonomy and freedoms. I guess I am more than willing to ride a little bumpy economic times for all these type of things.

Edited by kb ag 3/13/2025 09:17
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