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Old age is a trap
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Posted 3/13/2025 10:07 (#11145089 - in reply to #11140755)
Subject: RE: Old age is a trap

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
Sounds like the guy is trying waay to hard to stay "relevant." Makes a person wonder what he's compensating for.

My dad called it "losing the edge." At age 30 I didn't age 60 I completely understand.

I'm totally fine with becoming more "irrelevant" as my chosen industry of profession moves forward. And, I'm looking forward to slowly becoming more "irrelevant" as time moves on.

There's nothing wrong with letting the next generation take the lead while staying engaged as a senior "advisor" while the next generation takes what myself and past generations have created to the next level...whatever that might be.

Edited by CMN 3/13/2025 10:09
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