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Government over reach
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white shadow
Posted 3/13/2025 10:37 (#11145116 - in reply to #11145103)
Subject: RE: Government over reach

East Central South Dakota
You have two evils trying to kill each other. Why would we want to get in a fight between two evils and try to discern which is the least evil. Europe has turned socialist and despise us. Let them spend their own money and lives defending themselves. There are two sides to this story.

I am pretty neutral the tariff thing because, honestly, it gets above my simple dirt farmer mind and economics is not a very accurate or sound science. I can be patient to see if it levels the playing field for us. My job is to concentrate on my own finances and make sure I come out whole, regardless how it all shakes out.

The Ukraine issue I feel very strongly we need to sit this one out. We have been paying Europe's bills for far too long without any respect or Thank You's. I can't stand the European Union. Unelected socialist bureaucrats that want a Global union so they can suck on a bigger teat.
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