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Government over reach
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red river gumbo
Posted 3/13/2025 11:10 (#11145168 - in reply to #11145059)
Subject: RE: Government over reach

Sounds to me that you want your version of freedom from everything you want to do no matter who or what it affects Great plan except then we must give everyone their versions of freedom also if we give you yours. Someone will take their freedom to do what they want and using A I and other platforms rework your words into extreme hate against the people you do business with opps you’ve gone broke. Throw in some online smut talk about wife now she can’t get job she wants. The most heartbreaking will be the kids and bullies who trash talk and post vicious things about your children until they can’t handle it and commit suicide because they can’t handle it. Nobody can handle true unrestricted freedom. The cause of big govt is the fact that we need it to protect ourselves from each other. No thanks. I need govt to help protect me against that happening and am willing to give up somethings to get it done.
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