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F1 hybrid talk
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Posted 3/13/2025 11:53 (#11145214 - in reply to #11145008)
Subject: RE: F1 hybrid talk

Iowa-beef - 3/13/2025 08:07

When I had cows I always tried to stick with breeding for true f1s. I figured I gave up some cow performance for high performing feeder calves. Now I've exited the cows to focus on other things around the feedyard but my son is back into the cow calf thing a little

Trying out f1 baldies (herf angus) bred to Purebred black star faced Sims.

So far the calves are coming out mostly brockle faced. Not too painted up.

He's hoping to qualify for CAB and CHB. should maximize premiums fingers crossed. So far 80 calves on the ground and last I asked running 80% bwf so most should hit that chb qualifications on most of the cattle

We're new to a 3 way cross so not sure how much consistency we'll have in the calves but we're able to use half brother bulls so hoping that helps

He is making Sim-Ang-Fords!!!

I have some of that. Heck of a cross.

Also I'm using some Sim Angus bulls on F1 Angus/Hereford cows. Keeping half Angus and 1/4 Sim 1/4 Herf.

I think there is enough variability in the 3 main breeds you can bring in some different genetic lines to keep getting some heteorosis even with the half bloods.

I do think there is a 25/50/25 split in the calf crop with half bloods on half bloods. 50 percent of the calf crop will be uniform middle of the road. Then 25 percent will be extreme to the top end and 25 percent extreme to the bottom end at first.

After a few generations the calf crop gets more even.

Nothing scientific, but my own opinion which results from some real life experiences doing the wrong thing!
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