| Actually I would say the answer depends on the definition of benefit. We are an extremely materialistic society. There have been many posts complaining about how everything is so cheap these days and often comes from China or some other overseas country. I am not so sure that it would not be a benefit to buy a lot less, but better quality and longer lived products. Perhaps better built and designed products would allow repairs to be made rather than having everything disposable because one little part broke.
On that note the fact that the “save the planet” folks are not extremely vocal about eliminating the cheap and disposable products in favour of the old style of better quality repairable products requires some explaining. Also, it would be interesting to know if the elites that push for the climate agenda also have interests in factories that make and distribute the cheap and disposable junk.
Anyways, I do understand your point though. But in a wholistic sense I am not entirely sure that our current system is as beneficial to our lifestyle as we think it is. | |