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Government over reach
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Posted 3/13/2025 14:08 (#11145360 - in reply to #11145326)
Subject: RE: Government over reach

I don’t think the current situation is as simple as that though. Both sides see it from their own perspective.

For example, one could say our side took up arms over a 2% vs Putin taking up arms over a foreign military, NATO, creeping closer and closer towards the Russian border. It is also now admitted that his enemy had quite a few bioweapon labs near his border. It would be hard to make the case that Putin doesn’t have a better reason to take up arms than a 2% tax. It is likely safe to say that we are biased to judge those two events in the opposite way they should be.

The same situation written from a different perspective can be a vastly different story of exactly the same situation. It is almost a certainty that because of what the Russians are told they feel as justified for the war as we do from hearing the story told by our side. It would be extremely foolish to think that we are being told an unbiased story. It would also be extremely foolish to think that Russians aren’t being told an unbiased story. We should all take everything we hear from either side with the proverbial grain of salt.
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