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Government over reach
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Posted 3/13/2025 14:16 (#11145367 - in reply to #11145360)
Subject: RE: Government over reach

That’s my point. That it’s all in the beholder and to pass judgement on which side is more just is to try and act as god imposing moral judgement on an entire people, I mean the plot is complicated and convoluted it’s hard to fully grasp.

Didn’t Ukraine give up some nukes in return for never being invaded?

I’ll tell you one thing, if I was a small country with nukes and someone try to get me to get rid of them I’d tell em kindly to bugger off

It is really complex tho and that’s why I boil it down to simple terms so I can better create a frame of reference when talking about because although I’m an ignorant and loud sob, it’s good to exercise critical thinking ability

Edited by Deltamudd 3/13/2025 14:17
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