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Talking about past posters
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paul the original
Posted 3/13/2025 17:04 (#11145551 - in reply to #11145508)
Subject: RE: Talking about past posters

southern MN
Wreckless - 3/13/2025 15:37

I think that maybe everyone was a little too hard on both of those guys.

It is kind of hard to tease light heartedly on the internet without it coming across a lot meaner than it is actually meant.

Yea in a room it’s fun to tease back and forth.

In an Internet forum it can quickly turn into a pile on of negativity. And no one might even mean it, but it becomes that quite easily.

The original poster can somewhat control things like this by ignoring some replies and replying to others in a postive manor. That often quickly returns a forum thread to mostly fun positive directions.

But - not everyone has typing people skills, it’s easy to run down the rabbit hole in front of the negative sounding messages and pull the hole in with.

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