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F1 hybrid talk
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Posted 3/13/2025 17:22 (#11145572 - in reply to #11145332)
Subject: RE: F1 hybrid talk

West Central Iowa
Jusolson - 3/13/2025 13:41

Interesting discussion. We run a commercial crossed herd using simm and red angus. We spend time sorting more simm cows together to be bred back to RA, and vice versa. My question is there a simple blood test that could tell me the percentage of a cow? I think despite a few outward characteristics, their actuall genetic make up would be quite interesting to learn.

You could run a genomics test on your cows and bulls and determine to some degree how related they are. Heterosis comes from the mixing of different genes so knowing which bull to use on each group might be nice. As for the actual genetic make up of any breed… that is a can of worms. If you need help doing this send me an email; we are getting into doing some of our own genomic assisted breeding.
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