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Government over reach
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kb ag
Posted 3/13/2025 19:09 (#11145687 - in reply to #11145087)
Subject: RE: Government over reach

nc ks
4450 - 3/13/2025 09:07

What's that old saying, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. Looks like a lot of farmers here are just like a lot of the rest of the country. Everyone is all for cutting spending, reducing debt, just as long as it doesn't affect me. Nobody knows how Trump's plan is going to turn out (even though some on here think they know it all). If his things turn to crap there is another election in two years. I would argue two years isn't enough time to turn things around but I'm willing to give him that long, unlike a lot of the hand wringers. I started farming in 1974 and experienced the 80's. We are a long ways from there at this point.

Bingo. Well said.
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