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Talking about past posters
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Posted 3/14/2025 14:39 (#11146883 - in reply to #11144957)
Subject: RE: Talking about past posters

Pilot Grove, Missouri

Sad note about Funacres (John Jones) - his brother David Jones and his nephew (David's son) were killed in a plane crash just before Thanksgiving this past November. I used to work for David at Mid-Missouri Telephone for a few years in the late 1980's.

Funacres (John Jones) used to be neighbors with PatCMO (Patrick Gerke) here in Pilot Grove.   If you remember, Pat had a stroke a couple years ago and can no longer farm.  He's actually recovered enough to get around a bit with a cane and can converse a bit but still very much negatively impacted.   What's even more sad was Patrick's is his wife passed away very early in January of this year.

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