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Puff33m, the real story....
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Russ In Idaho
Posted 1/15/2025 00:44 (#11056544)
Subject: Puff33m, the real story....

Enquiring minds really need to know is the Rich aunt single? Being she a Montana at heart gal, does she have a little Beth tendency's in her demeanor? Can she still rock that cocktail dress at 7 p.m. at the Governor's Ball and get up before sunrise and hit the saddle?

I agree on the Stan Kroenke deal, when he forever broke Staint Louis hearts by pulling the Rams and sending them to the hell hole called L.A. just makes me wonder if he had any political pull to get Karen Bass hired there in L.A.

Away have you got any pics of Aunt? Just asking for a friend. This thread can be considered 100% Agtalk/Stocktalk related if you can show pic of Aunt bathing in livestock water tank. Pretty sure I've heard at the bunkhouse those photos exist

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